Hello everyone, happy new month. On our interview today I give you Joel Seyi,a poet.

1. Hello, please introduce yourself
2. We found this in your bio"I write to right"can you explain what this means

3. How long have you been writing for and what have you learnt in these years
4. Where do you get inspiration from when you want to write your poems
5. Do you have plans taking writing to the next level,maybe publishing a book

6. Do you have a platform (blog)where you publish your stories or poems

7. Aside from writing,what do you do
8. Who is your favorite poet and why
9. Any advice to budding writers

1. Hello, please introduce yourself
- I am Joel Seyi.I'm from Lagos state. I'm the first child in a family of five.I currently studying mass communications at Yaba College of Technology, Lagos
2. We found this in your bio"I write to right"can you explain what this means
- I write to right - well i came about that term with a view of how the world is today, so many have their feelings concealed, or are too timid to share, i use my writings to give voice to what people might be feeling, maybe not a perfect picture, but something close and relatable

3. How long have you been writing for and what have you learnt in these years
- I have been writing for a while now.Asking me what I have learnt, well first I would say I have learnt how to express myself better, I have learnt how to care about other people's emotions and also i have learnt how to be myself
4. Where do you get inspiration from when you want to write your poems
- Hmmm where do I get my inspiration from? most of my write ups are partly a picture of my life, my mum is late, she passed on last year August, and obviously I am still struggling to get over the pain, and even before she passed on, I had no knowledge of what growing up in a happy home was like, she was all my siblings and I had. Aside from my background, my experience with people, imaginary thoughts and fantasized wishes, and also nature, Yes! I am passionate about nature, all these are what drives my inspiration.
5. Do you have plans taking writing to the next level,maybe publishing a book
- Publishing a book? I'd be lying if I said it never crossed my mind, but I am just not inclined,I figured out better options other than writing, and I plan on show casing then pretty soon

6. Do you have a platform (blog)where you publish your stories or poems
- Yes i do have a blog, its kinda new though. joars77.blogspot.com.ng/

7. Aside from writing,what do you do
- Aside from writing, I am presently working, and I also school
8. Who is your favorite poet and why
- Poetolu is no doubt my favorite poet, his perfect blend of African poetry contemporary poetry is quite astonishing
9. Any advice to budding writers
- To budding writers, well I'd say do not let anyone discourage you, little beginning doesn't define the greatness inside of you, stick to what you believe and do what you find happiness doing. also I'd like to add, we are all still learning, keep your mind open, thats the only way to grow
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