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The play ''Harvest of Corruption'' is a satire which exposes how corruption and unwholesome 

practices have eaten deep into the fabrics of the society. Chief Haladu Ade-Amaka is the heart of corruption in the play.
 This analysis of  ''Harvest of Corruption'' seeks to bring out the salient ideas in the text


Frank Ogodo Ogbeche is from Yala in Cross River State, Nigeria. He studied Communication Arts and currently works as a Senior Council Affairs Officer in the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation. He is a member of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA), Nigerian Institute of Public Relations, and the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ). He has written a number of plays and poems including 'The Intruder and the Promises of the Gods'.


The play is set in Jabu, a fictional Nigerian city. Much of the action takes place in different locations- Ogeyi’s apartment in Pannya, Madam Hoha’s hotel at Darkin, Police Headquarters at Darkin, Ministry of External Relations in Maisama, and the Court Room. The play was written during the period of transition to democratic government.



Aloho is the main character in the play. She is a young and naïve university female graduate in  search for a job. Her search for work makes her leaves her village to the country capital city at Jabu. At Jabu,she lives with an old school friend named Ogeyi. In her desperation, she ignorantly becomes part of a criminal network involved in drug trafficking in spite of Ogeyi's constant warning to keep away from notorious Ochuole. Aloho is arrested and detained for drug trafficking. Upon her release, she suddenly realizes that she is pregnant for Chief Haladu-Amaka and eventually dies during child-birth. The author uses Aloho’s character to portray the ordeals of many young and jobless Nigerian graduates, how they are easily taken advantage of and lured into crime in their desperation to eke out a living.The following can be said about her:

She is ambitious.

She is religious and virtuous.

She is desperate.not contended and rebellious


Ochuole is Aloho’s  old schoolmate. She is portrayed as notorious and wayward. Ochuole works as Chief Administrative Officer at the Ministry of External Relations.She uses her high office and intimacy to the minister to perpetrate fraud in the ministry . The following can be said about her:

She is brute and heartless.

She is deceptive and tricky.

She is wayward,flashy and loose


He is the Minister of External Relations and the epitome of corruption in the play. Fank Ogbeche uses the character of Cheif Ade Haladu Amaka to potray and symbolise corruption in Nigeria,as his name represents the major three tribes of Nigeria. The following can be said about him:

He is proud and arrogant.

He is very corrupt


Ogeyi is Aloho’s friend and confidant. Aloho lives with Ogeyi in her small apartment in Pannya. She tries to discourage Aloho from taking Ochuole’s job offer and warns her to keep away from Ochuole. She seeks justice for Aloho by reporting Chief to the police. She is the voice of reason in the play. The following can be said about her:

She is a good counselor

She is firm and uncompromising.

She is religious.

She is hospitable and kind.

She is ever optimistic.


Madam Hoha is the proprietress of Akpara Hotel. The hotel is where Chief perpetuates his criminal activities. She is sentenced to ten years imprisonment with hard labour along with Ochuole and her hotel was sealed.

6. ACP YAKUBU Yakubu is an Assistant Commissioner of Police. He stands out as an incorruptible and honest police officer. He withstood pressures from his boss, the Commissioner to stop investigating Chief’s activities at the Ministry of External Relations. His investigations led to the arrest and prosecution of Chief, Ochuole, Madam Hoha, the Commissioner of Police and the corrupt Justice Odili.



This is the central theme of the play. The main idea is that a man reaps what he sows. All the corrupt characters are brought to book in the end. Chief is convicted and sentenced to twenty-five years in imprisonment with hard labour and ordered to refund the embezzled funds. This punishment is his harvest of corruption. The humiliation suffered by Aloho for drug trafficking, her pregnancy and death also portray her harvest of corruption. Ochuole and Madam Hoha are sentenced to ten years in imprisonment with hard labour while Madam Hoha’s hotel is also sealed. This is their harvest of corruption. Justice Odili and the Commissioner of Police are sentenced to twenty years in imprisonment for receiving bribe. Ayo, the clerk is also punished as he is sentenced to five years imprisonment for receiving a bribe.

Corruption-Frank Ogbeche treats the issue of corruption throughout the play.  With Chief Haladu Amaka at the forefont of stealing,fornicating and abusing public office at will,Frank Ogbeche  explores the theme of corruption.

Unemployment: Unfortunately, many job seekers have lost their dignity because of their desperate attempt to be gainfully employed. But can we blame them? How can it be justified that after rigorous school life, one spends two to three years still job hunting? No wonder, jobless graduates are quick to succumb to societal pressure; they engage in any form of activities in the name of job insofar something comes out of it. Aloho and Ochuole are victims of this terrible situation in Jacassa. Consequently, one dies and the other is sentenced to jail.

The theme of crime and justice: The plays portrays the theme of crime through the character of Chief Haladu Ade-Amaka,the Chief Justice and Ochuole while justice is portrayed through the character of APC Yakubu. The long arm of justice eventually caught up with the corrupt and the evil elements in the society.

Analysis of Harvest of Corruption

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